The wax was intact, and no whey leakage as I removed it.
It was oily to touch, and quite hard. At this stage I thought it might have completely dried out.
I cut it apart gently with two knives. It had a few small holes in it, but nothing like the eyes of the swiss style cheeses that I have made previously.
The texture was oily and had a waxy feel to it. It did smell incredible. Not as strong as an aged Parmesan, but still quite pungent. The centre still had moisture to it, but I could only press my fingernail into the cheese. Slightly hard.
It was difficult to cut slices from, so to keep all of my fingers intact, I decided to shave some off using a vegetable peeler.
This method worked very well, and I created some quite amazing shavings. I vacuum packed a one half and shaved the other.
But what about the flavour?
I think I need to make some more Romano.