The first cheese-making eBook, Keep Calm and Make Cheese by Gavin Webber, steps you through the process of cheese making at home. Features 27 tried and tested recipes for the budding home cheesemaker to follow and create. With links to all the companion video tutorials, this eBook makes a great companion to all of our cheese-making kits.
The second cheese-making eBook published by Gavin Webber aka the Cheeseman, Keep Calm and Make More Cheese is for beginners and seasoned curd nerds alike.
Keep Calm and Make More Cheese adds 72 new cheese-making recipes that are tried and tested for the home cheesemaker to follow and create at home.
With links to 129 of the author’s simple-to-follow cheese-making videos, the cheese-making process becomes much easier. Cheesemaking has never been so easy!
The price is in $USD
eBook download hosted by Teachable.

and now I seriously can’t wait until I do, this book is amazing! So much great
work here, and Kim’s drawings are really something else too! You should be
really proud.
Ian T on May 3rd, 2013
Read more of Ian’s review at
Liz Beavis on May 24th, 2013
Read more of Liz’s review at

I ordered this e-book yesterday. It is now 10 hours later and no link to the document.
This is a digital product so the delivery should be instant. Please advise what is happening before I require a refund.
Hi Keith,
Which retailer did you purchase it from? I don’t personally host any of my eBooks and they are sold by third parties. If it was from Spring, you can contact them here for help.
Hi Gavin
Just bought your book and I am keen to start making cheese.
I would like to make it with non-animal (NA) renet.
I have read that NA renet in liquid for has 5 harmful ingredients that are used as preservatives while the tablet form does not have any of these harmful ingredients.
So if I were to make your 4 litre milk haloumi cheese – do you have any advice about the amount of NA renet tablets I would need?
Many thanks Tamara
I placed an order for your cheese recipe book PDF 5 day ago, I still have not received it and when I go to the sight that took the payment they state there is no order under my email address. I have requested Paypal to investigate and cancel the payment. Any Information about this would be greatly accepted
Hi Viki. Thanks for your comment. It sounds like a misspelled email address because the book link is emailed instantly to you from TeeSpring (I don’t host the book on our site). If they don’t have your email address on record, this is the most likely cause. Please continue with your Paypal dispute and cancel it. With that said, try again and please double-check your email address when you place the order.
Kind regards, Gavin
Hi Gavin, I made your Boursin, and it turned out absolutely fabulously. I just made it a second time, following the same procedures. Can you help me with what I did wrong? Instead of a spreadable, creamy ‘Boursin’ style cheese, this is more like small curd cottage cheese mixed with herbs and garlic. 🙁 I have to make my own creme fraiche out of cream and buttermilk, but I did that the first time as well. Thanks. I’ll be buying your ebook, can’t wait to try more kinds.
I write to you from Italy; I enjoy so much all your video-tutorials on YouTube, you gave me so much inspiration that I want to try this new path of cheese! 😛
I take advantage of my incoming birthday to get all the equipment needed..: since I have no backgroud, I’d like to purchase your e-book on which I have a question for you: since I have very little info on the chemical aspect (what and why do you need “that” for what..) and on the practical side (equipment) do you cover also that side, or should I integrate it with some other book? I’m up to get all the knowledge I can..! If you have any good reference that you valued as good along your path, I would appreciate it as well!
Thank you very much. Hope to hear from you!
is the recipe for raclette cheese in the ebook?
Love your videos and recipes. Please make a print version of your book… we live in a very rural area with no Internet. Best,
Hi Chris, actually we do have a print version. You can get it here;
We even ship to the USA.
can you teach us how to make raclette cheese please? Its such an awesome cheese 🙂
Yes, it’s on my list of cheeses to make.
Just downloaded the ebook. Can’t wait to get started.
Joe in Glasgow
Thanks Joe!
Hello I am Garegin. I want know gorgozola cheese preparation method of factory
Why is the cost of Keep Calm and Make Cheese only in USD? Can I get it with AUS dollars as I am in Australia and so are you.
Hi Johnny, you can buy the book in Australian dollars in my other store: Little Green Workshops
Hi Gavin,
Will raw goat milk will be ok for the recipes you are presenting in this book?
Thank you!
Hi Adda, yes goats milk will be fine. The flavour may differ a little from cows milk made cheeses, but it will be cheese none the less!
Thank you Gavin for the answer, I just both a copy of your ebook.
Have a nice day
Hi Gavin
My wife and I purchased your book and read it from cover to cover. Now the second time we are reading it from cover to cover is in the kitchen! We greatly appreciate your demystifying approach to cheesemaking. My wife loves to experiment with cheeses and I love to experient with cheeses – a match made in heaven!
Thanks for your efforts, we are recommending your book to all.
Thanks Scott and Kim. I really appreciate the wonderful feedback.
Gav x
Thanks to Ian Treuer I not only know about your book but I purchased it as well. 🙂 I look forward to reading it!
Thanks for your support DD. I hope you enjoy it!
Gav x
Hi Gavin. I think it could be interesting to have youre new book. How is it with tax and so on, when I live in Dänmark?
Can I buy it directly by you or do I have to go around the bookstore?
Hope to hear from you, and thanks for making advertising for my blog. I have made translate posible on the blog.
You are amazing Gavin
Hi Aase, no problem regarding your blog on this site. You have a great reference on Ostepressen!
Yes you can buy it directly as a PDF file using the add to cart button above.
Gav x
Ordered! 🙂
Thanks for your support Dee!
I've ordered mine already 😀
Hi Ian, thanks for your support. It looks like you are having a ball in your new cheese making career!