Have you ever wanted to make cheese at home just like the ones that I make, but didn’t know where to get the ingredients or cheese making kits?
Well, look no further. By popular request from readers, I have managed to source cheese making kits, equipment, and ingredients at a discount price.
With 19 different kits and 100 cheese making products, it is one of the most comprehensive stocks of cheese making supplies in Australia!
As an added bonus, we offer Free Shipping to most of Australia for orders over AUD$150. International customers, we offer a permanent 10% discount that is applied on the checkout page!
Please note: Now shipping to most countries except where import bans apply. Be advised that import duties (e.g. VAT, GST, Sales Tax) may be applied by your country’s Customs Service.
By clicking on the image, you will be directed to my store, Little Green Workshops.
Kits are sold by Little Green Workshops ABN 85 327 499 833. Kits will be delivered by Australia Post from Melton West, Victoria, Australia.
Hi Gavin,
I have placed an order earlier today for the works! I am super keen to make as many different cheeses but I was wondering where would you recommend I start as a novice cheese maker:
I love brie’s and camambert but from youre videos it seems like an advanced cheese.
I also wanted to share with the other Curd Nerds a link to a DIY Cheese Drying Box (https://blog.cheesemaking.com/yoels-diy-cheese-drying-box/).
I’m going to attempt this one. I’llk let you know how it goes.
Need troubleshooting .made some parmesan .the recipe asked to put it in brine for 24 here’s. Then oil it everyday till aged 6 to 8 months .Cheese wheel was fine when I put it in the brine..but after 24 hres when I tried to get it out .it hroke in pieces.do very dry and crumbly I can almost see each curd..I m thinking I did not have it press right..what is your opinion.
Hi Gavin,
I want to get all new cheesemaking starters, rennet etc as mine are out of date.
I wonder if there is a special starter you might reccomend for goats cheese, both Chevre and using goats milk in other cheeses?
I am struggling to make a goats milk cheese I really love and usually resort to feta or cream cheese just to use it up. I know this should not be the case as there must be many but I dislike the strong gamey goatiness of aged cheeses whereas I love strong cheese otherwise and never met a gorganzola, etc that I didn’t love.
Can you suggest a range of starters I might experiment with and some recipes and I will order asap.
Many thanks
Hi Gavin. I already watch you’re video “How to make Cheddar Cheese”. You know, i was learn making cheese too. In the video, You mention “add calcium chloride into the milk”, so, what is the purpose of calcium cholride? what is the effect if we don’t add it? thank you anyway.
Hi Gavin, in your petite Blue video you mention resting the curds overnight and then follow that you say after 24 hours you de-mold. My question is do you settle overnight ie. 12 hours or do you settle for a day ie. 24 hours?
24 hours
Hallo, do you sen goods to Lithuania?
Yes, we do. Click through to https://www.littlegreenworkshops.com.au/product-category/cheese-making/ for all your cheese making needs!
Good Evening, do you send your products to Brazil?
Do you sell the press and form?
Hi Cynthia, yes we do. Here is the link for the press; https://www.littlegreenworkshops.com.au/product/cheese-press-with-spring/
and for the 165mm mould; https://www.littlegreenworkshops.com.au/product/cheese-basket-165-mm-with-follower/
Hope that helps
Hi there,
I’ve just ordered a large cheese hoop and a blue mould sachet. I also wanted some red wax but it seems you have sold out. If you will be getting some more in the next couple of days I would like to add that to my order before you send it.If longer however just send it as is. Thanks, Sandra.
Hi Sandra, yes we are expecting a shipment of cheese gear in by Friday 8th. Drop my wife Kim a note over at to let her know to hold off on your order.
Regards, Gavin