A great show this week. I interview Gürkan Yeniçeri who has a cheese and deli blog: artizanpeynirci.blogspot.com. His blog is in Turkish, so you may need to use Google Translate.
You can also find Gürkan on his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HomeCheeseMakers?ref=mf
The news segment is from The Sun newspaper published in the UK. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4939592/Police-stop-gran-making-Double-Gloucester-for-cheese-rolling-event.html
The cheese of the episode is Emmantaler. I made a wheel last Sunday, and it is aging in the cheese fridge. In fact, I am making another cheese making video tutorial about this recipe, so it should be up on YouTube in a week or two.
Listener questions are about pressing curds that do not knit together, and a Frenchman learning to make Camembert!
Thanks for listening. Until next time curd nerds, Keep Calm & Make Cheese.
Thanks for the opportunity Gavin. 🙂
You are most welcome Gurkan, my new cheese making friend!