The second session in this informative series of live events, Ask the Cheesemaker #2 has been scheduled for Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at 7pm AEDST (Wednesday 23rd March @ 0800 UTC).
You can find the live link here;
Or watch it in the embedded player here.
Please leave any questions that you have about home cheese making in the comments below before the event commences. I will endeavor to answer them during the live session.
Looking forward to answering as many of your questions as I can.
John Lund Steffensen says
Hi Gavin. Thanks for all your great videos. I have got the chance to buy raw milk. I intend to heat ithis raw milk up to 63 C. for thirty minutes, and then cool it down to the target temperature as quick as possible. Correct to do so? Should I then use/add Chalcium Chloride, and if, same amount as mentioned in recipe? And further: Same amount of rennet? Thanks
Gavin Webber says
Hi John, you won’t need the CaCl2. Also you can use slightly less rennet. Your pasteurization technique is correct.
John Lund Steffensen says
Thanks, Gavin. Do I indeed need to do any pasteurization when the raw milk is used the same day I get the raw milk? Think, it may kill some “good bacterias”?
Gavin Webber says
It is your choice. Do you trust the source of the milk? Is the milk free from contamination? If you do trust it, then make your cheese using the raw milk. It will be a much better cheese in the end.
John Lund Steffensen says
Thanks Gavin for your swift reply. Yes, I do trust the source, so I will refrain from the pasteurization. All the best to you.
Mary Bearint says
Hi Gavin, I’m thinking of making a horseradish cheddar. Do you have a recipe or perhaps a video for that?
Love all your videos!!
Gavin Webber says
Hi Mary, try my farmhouse cheddar recipe, then stir through some horseradish paste when milling the curds. Press as normal, and it should be amazing!
John Hansen says
Hi Gavin. I’m at the point of making a decent block of cheese, but.. obviously need a means of maturing said cheese. Can I do it with my mad millie cheese incubator, or do I absolutely need to buy a second hand old fridge for under the house with a thermometer, etc.etc. etc.?
Jan-Marie Newenham says
Hi Gavin – about to make your petit blue recipe. Just to be sure, shall I use 5 US quarts of milk (approx 1 imperial gallon)?
Gavin Webber says
Hi Jan-Marie, better to use 4 quarts which is nearly the same as 4 litres.
Golan kahana says
hi Gavin, I have one refrigerator that I use to make my cheeses and I was wondering if I’ll make a blue cheese and age her in the same refrigerator, the blue mold will grow on the other cheeses that I have in it and ruin them?
Thanks ahead,
golan kahana.
Jan-Marie Newenham says
I am starting to vacuum pack my cheese for aging but am not sure how the humidification will work with sealed packages. Please advise, thanks.