This week’s episode has many questions from Curd Nerds just like you!
Firstly, the question of the week is from John who lives in Denmark. He asks about the differences between Cheese wax and Paraffin.
Other questions answered during the show are;
- Sue praises Rachel’s (LGC episode 051)work regarding her house cows. She shared a little about her own experience with house cows and how they now run courses about how to look after your own cow. Find out more here;
- Chuck asked what cheese can be made with Flora Danica?
- Dean shared his unique recipe called Cheddarano!
- Louise asks if she can remove cheese wax, remove any moulds, then rewax.
Don’t forget that you can leave a voicemail message that I will answer and feature on the show. Just remember that I cannot answer them straight away, so please don’t expect an instant reply.
Also, don’t forget that you can pick up cheese making kits and supplies from Little Green Workshops. We stock a large range of cheese making gear and ship to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the European Union, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Until next time Curd Nerds, Keep Calm and Make Cheese!
Hello Gavin. It was lovely meeting you last weekend and I really appreciate you letting me pick up my supplies!
My family and I (me obsesively) are enjoying your videos and podcasts since stumbling upon them about a month ago! I have just finished listening to all your podcasts!
My question is about beeswax. My Dad has bees and we just brought home a couple of kilos of beeswax and would like to use it! We will be filtering it as it’s fairly messy but wondering if anything else needs to be done or added before I can wax cheese with it?
Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge and passion for cheese making!
Wodonga, Victoria
Hi Maree, the pleasure was all mine. Beeswax is a great product for cheesemaking. All you will need to do is filter it as you intend to do, and before waxing the cheese, make sure that the temp of the wax is about 90C. This will kill any pathogens that may be lurking in the wax.
I better get recording and publish some more episodes then 😉
Yes please! 🙂