During a consultation session, Dan Leighton contacted me in 2023 to ask about making cheeses from the medieval period. This piqued my interest, so I invited him onto the podcast to discuss his interest in reviving extinct UK cheeses and making cheese during medieval re-enactments.
Don’t forget that you can leave a voicemail message that I will answer and feature during the show. Remember that I cannot answer them immediately, so please don’t expect an instant reply. My Speakpipe page for voicemails. https://www.speakpipe.com/Gavin_Webber
Support the show!
If you would like to support the podcast and YouTube channel so I can make new and exciting cheeses and cheese-related content, then please help me via Patreon
SPONSORED BY…This podcast is sponsored by Little Green Workshops where you can pick up your cheese-making kits and supplies. We stock extensive cheese-making kits, ingredients and supplies and ship to Australia and most countries worldwide.
Learn how to make your own cheese at home; https://courses.littlegreenworkshops.com.au/p/cheese-making-beginner
Until next time Curd Nerds, Keep Calm and Make Cheese!