Well, great news. The cheese making podcast is back. I’ve managed to rearrange my priorities to put the podcast near the top of the pile again!
Today’s episode is about making cheese with goat’s milk and what other techniques you may need to use if using it in lieu of a cheese making recipe that stipulates cow’s milk.
I also talk about the different properties of cow, goat, and sheep milk.
This episode was sponsored by Little Green Workshops. If you live in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom, and the United States, we have cheese making kits and supplies available at Little Green Workshops at great prices.
Until next time curd nerds; Keep Calm & Make Cheese!
Hi Gavin – Love your video’s and recipes – thank you so much. Gavin I have a problem with maturing my cheese in my wine fridge. Do I need to put my hard cheeses in a plastic container to mature or should I be waxing them as soon as they have air dried? Your advice would be appreciated
Hi Jacqui. For hard cheese, it is better to wax them as soon as they air dry. It locks in the moisture and you avoid any contamination issues regarding unwanted moulds.