During the month of February 2019, I decided that it was high time to start tasting different cheeses from around the world and Australia that were available from my local supermarkets. A Cheese A Day Challenge if you like.
I thought that it would be an interesting experiment and broaden my cheese palate. It would also help me appreciate my own homemade cheese a lot better.
There were two conditions to the challenge that I gave myself. One, I had to eat a different style of cheese each and every day for 28 days, and two, I had to be able to source them in my town without too much effort, usually from a supermarket chain at a reasonable cost. After all, this was not going to be a sponsored challenge, I had to buy the cheese myself so as to make it as objective as possible.
I knew that a video a day may be taxing on my time, but I have managed to work out a schedule for production without too many issue.
So without further ado, here is every single video that I have produced so far and automatically gets updated as I add new challenge video each day.
Please enjoy the Cheese A Day Challenge and check out all the exciting cheese that I have managed to find. I realise that not everyone will be able to source the exact cheese that I did, but you should be able to find a suitable substitute in you region.
If you cannot see the videos below, use this link to view the playlist on YouTube.